At Elsecar Holy Trinity we believe in the importance of building a love of reading from an early age. The teaching of reading begins as soon as the children join us in Reception (FS2) class. High quality phonics is taught using a systematic scheme, giving children positive opportunities to enjoy success in reading through sharing exciting texts.
It is our aim for children to teach the skills of reading so that they can become fluent, confident and passionate livelong readers.
Our daily phonics lessons are taught from Reception Class to Year 2. The scheme we use is Read, Write Inc. Read, Write Inc is a phonics scheme that creates fluent, readers, confident speakers and willing writers. Fun and engaging lessons are full of partner work, role-play and drama, integrating phonics with comprehension, writing, grammar, spelling, vocabulary and handwriting.
More information can be found online here:
Parent guide to Read Write Inc. Phonics | Oxford Owl
Using the Read, Write Inc scheme we:
- Teach children to learn the 40+ phonemes and graphemes (how letters sound and how they are written)
- Apply their phonic knowledge to decode words, blending the sounds they have been taught
- Read and spell common exception words (words that can not be sounded out phonetically)
- Read and write words ending in -s, -es, -ing, -ed, -er and -est
- Read words of more than one syllable
- Read words with contractions (e.g. I’m, haven’t)
- Accurately read aloud using their phonics knowledge
- Reread books to develop fluency, accuracy and expression
- Develop confidence and enjoyment in reading
- Make phonically plausible attempts to spell words correctly
Each Read, Write Inc session includes:
The children are assessed by the Read Write Inc leader every seven weeks and placed into groups with other children of a similar ability.
The Phonics Screening Check is a test for Year 1 children. It takes place during June in a one-to-one setting with a familiar teacher. During the check the children are asked to read 40 words, some of these are real words and others are nonsense words. The children who do not reach the required pass mark are given further intervention and support in Year 2.
Children who are not making the expected levels of progress will be placed in a phonics intervention where they will be able to learn sounds in a smaller and more individualised way in order for them to keep up with the rest of their group.
The children in Reception to Year 2 bring home a decodable book that matches the phonics stage they are working at.
At Elsecar we know that reading at home is vitally important. We expect children to read at home at least three times per week. Children take home a reading record book so that progress can be monitored and shared from home to school.
It is the responsibility of the Read Write Inc leader to assess and monitor the progress of the children.
The RWI leader will support, give advice, model lessons and team teach phonics lessons.
Organise and lead RWI meetings and report any issues back to SLT.
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