Elsecar Holy Trinity C.E. Primary Academy

Collective Worship


Roots and Fruits provides creative collective worship for primary schools based in Christian values themes over a period of three years. Rooted in Bible teaching, eighteen Christian values represent the fruit that grows as the teaching is lived out in everyday life.

Each term focuses on one Christian value (theme) which links with the season of the Church year.

Roots and Fruits Worship ensures that collective worship is in line with The Evaluation Schedule for expectations of school worship by:

*inspiring and transformational
*includes a range of creative opportunities, e.g. music, silence, symbol, drama
*develops the Christian vision, values and ethos of the school

Every Thursday, we are fortunate to have a Collective Worship led by our local Vicar Rev. Steve. This is a special worship during our week and the pupils look forward to a time to gather and worship together at Holy Trinity Church.